Post-Cinema: Theorizing 21st-Century Film
(Book Trailer), 2016
Shane Denson
The Beyoncé Image: Synesthetic Abilities of the
Visual Album, 2017
Cleo Chung
Iñárritu's Films in a Conversation on Realism,
Hyperrealism, Time-Image, and Movement-Image, 2017
Raquel Orendain Shrestha
hijab.key, 2016
Shane Denson
The Shared Universe Cinema, 2017
Will Ferrer
(a desktop documentary), 2014
Kevin B. Lee
Slowness and Slow Cinema, 2017
Spencer Slovic
FX's LEGION and Post-Cinematic Television, 2017
Katie Adams
Ex Machina: Questioning the Human Machine, 2016
Allison de Fren
New Forms of Racism in the Post-Cinematic Dispositif
v2, 2017
Jace Alexander Casey
VHS Found Footage and the Material Horrors of
Post-Cinematic Images, 2015
Shane Denson
The concept of "post-cinema" describes contemporary media forms and the larger media environment of the 21st century – an environment in which cinema's role as a culturally dominant medium has been challenged by the rise of television, videogames, transmedia franchises, and computational networks. Cinema, in this environment, has not disappeared, but it has been radically transformed. Post-cinema describes the new forms of narrative, new types of image, and new modes of engagement that have emerged in this space.
Videographic criticism, or the "video essay," might be seen as a particularly post-cinematic form of scholarship on moving-image media. Drawing on popular practices of remix, mash-up, and supercut, as they circulate in online spaces, scholars have recently begun using digital video for the presentation of research, argumentation, and critical analysis. Heavily reliant on the affordances of non-linear digital video editing software, this new scholarship is intimately and materially involved in the post-cinematic media environment.
Post-Cinema: Videographic Explorations brings these two strands together and utilizes video essays to explore a variety of post-cinematic media forms and phenomena. The exhibition includes works by leading scholar-filmmakers as well as contributions by students from Shane Denson's seminar on "Post-Cinema" (Film Studies 290, Winter 2017).
Post-Cinema: Videographic Explorations aims to illuminate the post-cinematic media environment at the same time that it invites viewers to contemplate the affordances and limitations of videographic scholarship.
Post-Cinema: Videographic Explorations was curated by Shane Denson, Assistant Professor of Film & Media Studies, Department of Art & Art History at Stanford University. The exhibition took place May 1 - 12, 2017 in the McMurtry Building on the campus of Stanford University.