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This webtext has benefited greatly from advice and support from Eric Monson and Angela Zoss at Duke University's Visualization & Interactive Services, and from Victoria Szabo at Duke's Information Science + Information Studies program.
The research behind this webtext stems from postdoctoral research fellowship at Duke University, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and from a collaborative research project, co-directed by myself and Andreas Jahn-Sudmann of the Freie Universität Berlin, titled "Digital Seriality." The latter is a sub-project of the research network Popular Seriality — Aesthetics and Practice, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and based in Berlin, Hannover, and Göttingen.
I would particularly like to thank the following members of the research network for their feedback and discussion: Ruth Mayer, Andreas Jahn-Sudmann, Frank Kelleter, Daniel Stein, and Felix Brinker. Thanks also to Patrick LeMieux for his advice and feedback at an early stage of this project.